Jessica Gomez

Date of Passing:

October 6, 2024

Jessica Gomez, 34, of Riley Drive, East Providence, died unexpectedly at home on October 6, 2024.

Born in North Providence, a daughter of Juan Gomez and Luz (Vasquez) Gomez of Pawtucket, she lived in East Providence for the past three years.

Ms. Gomez was a retail clerk for many years and she enjoyed the arts.

Besides her parents, she is survived by a stepsister, Johanna Tobon of Central Falls and a stepbrother, David Tobon of Central Falls.

Her Funeral Service will be held on Thursday October 10, 2024 in the W. RAYMOND WATSON FUNERAL HOME, 350 Willett Avenue, Riverside at 7 p.m. Calling hours are Thursday 3-7 p.m.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Thursday October 17, 2024 in St. Brendan Church, Turner Avenue, Riverside at 11 a.m.

Online Condolences


  1. Solamente Dios y el tiempo les dará fortaleza para sobrepasar este momento tan difícil, pero recuerden que Jessica va estar con ustedes por siempre, Ella va hacer Tu nuevo Angel.
    Nuestras mas sinceras condolencias.

  2. Mi niña hermosa, agradeciendo a Dios por tu amistad, y orando que ahora todo tu sufrimiento sea pleno gozo y alegria en la presencia de Dios y en reunion con tu angelito.

  3. Sorry for your loss Juan. May your daughter Jessica be with God and rest in peace.

  4. Rest in Peace Beautiful..
    I was one of the lunch ladies when Jessica was in 5th grade.. my sincere condolences to the family..Very sorry for your loss..

  5. I’ll always cherish the memories I have of growing up with you there 💔 I hate myself for not being around aunt Jessica . I will never forget you …. My heart will always ache for you . I will always mourn you , I love you aunty . Always and forever 💔 give your baby a kiss for me aunty
    Forever your niece Shakkia

  6. Estella and Juan Oswaldo, I am expressing my respectful condolences. There is no way to express the moment you are going through. Our love and prayers are with you from afar.
    Un abrazo fuerte para ustedes y en alma y corazón acompañándolos en este momento.

  7. This is one of the saddest thing I find out today, I still can’t believe this news, she was sweet heart, big heart with always smile on her face and didn’t matter what she was going throw she still smiled, she always put others ahead of herself, she will be missed and never forgotten, I love you Jess and will miss you

  8. Les deseo mucha fuerza en estos momentos dificiles.

  9. Jess, te recordaré con mucho amor en mi corazón. Gracias por las sonrisas y los momentos. QEPD.

  10. Rest in eternal Peace my friends. This was so unexpected and I’m sorry for not being as available as you needed be to be. I will Never forget you or the deep conversations we had. You are loved and will forever be missed!

  11. RIP my beautiful friend. I cried my self to work this morning. Thank you for this night, that will forever stay in my heart. I can’t believe you are gone. That I will never hear you call me bebe again. 🙁 I’m more than heart broken. I’m speechless and in a daze with disbelieve. I will miss you and always love you girl. You have been my friend since middle school and will remain my friend till we meet again. 😞

  12. Orando por todos en tan difíciles momentos. Que la fe y esperanza reine en sus corazones para aceptar tan dolorosa pérdida. Que Dios reciba a Jessica en sus brazos amorosos donde vivirá por siempre. Sentido pésame a la familia.

  13. Mis más dolidas condolencias para la familia Gómez por la súbita pérdida de tan sublime persona como lo fue Jessica. QEPD.

  14. Dios tiene el espacio especial para ti. Eres una hermosa alma que se entregó tan temprano a las manos De Dios. Ahora eres Luz divina y Amor eterno. Descansa en Paz.

  15. Your smile will always be with me.

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