About Us
Our story
Founded by W. Raymond Watson, our funeral home is located at 350 Willett Avenue, Riverside. In June of 1949, W. Raymond Watson graduated from the New England Institute of Anatomy and passed the Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards of the United States. He was then granted an embalming and funeral directing license from the State of Rhode Island to practice funeral service.
After working several years in the family funeral business, he built a new funeral home at our current location opening on May 15, 1971. The funeral home structure was built with large funeral chapels to best serve the needs of the families in the community. Mr. Watson’s funeral service continued to grow due to his attention to details. His contribution to the community went far beyond funeral service. Mr. Watson knew that the funeral itself is only the first step in the grieving and healing process. He continued to service families in the weeks and months that followed by keeping in touch and offering comfort.
In September of 1981, his son, W. Raymond Watson III, joined his father at the funeral home. After graduating from Providence College on May 19, 1980 he went on to the New England Institute of Embalming and passed the Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards of the United States and graduated Cum Laude on August 16, 1981. On February 2, 1982 he was granted an embalmers license from the State of Rhode Island Department of Health to practice funeral service. Like his father, he has continued to serve the families of the community with compassion and dignity for more than 36 years.